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poze promovare clinica stomatologie, foto clinica dentara
foto promovare stomatologie, sedinta foto clinica

dentistry photo sessions
dental practice photo advertising

They say that "a picture is worth 1000 words". The visual impression we create on potential patients through image/photo content can be very powerful!

Emotions always sell. Decent photos show people the dental office; great photos invite them in. Modern marketing is a very visual field. Good photos help patients get acquainted with the practice and staff before they even call to schedule their first visit to the practice. Potential patients will feel an extra incentive to schedule if they are drawn to the visuals.

The visual senses come first in the manifestation of choices. The psychological mechanism that helps people make choices is heavily influenced by visual perception. For many people, the atmosphere in the practice is an important factor influencing their decision-making mechanism, including the choice of dental practice. Patients value a comfortable environment with a welcoming atmosphere and a pleasant experience. High-quality photos convey this image; especially well-staged photos that capture your attention to detail. We often say: "The difference is in the details!". Patients appreciate important details like modern amenities, children's play areas.

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poze promovare clinica stomatologie, foto clinica dentara
promovare stomatologie, marketing stomatologie, marketing clinica dentara
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photo sessions for dentists
photo / video / dental photos

Before looking for a photographer or agency for your photo shoot, you should think carefully and write down exactly - preferably in a list - what photos and shots you need. This could be quite difficult if you don't have enough experience or an agency to help you. Why do you need an expert? If you don't know how to tell the photographer exactly what frames (pictures) you need, the result will come somewhat randomly depending on how the photographer interprets your needs. How do we solve this problem? By planning. We make a plan for the shoot! Based on the photographic content needs you have identified, write down in a written list the photo frames you need. More specifically, you can also write down exactly for which micro-focus you need each type of photo frame. In this way, you will be able to clearly and accurately convey to the photo team what your needs are in a well-organised framework that helps you not to forget important things and to have traceability during the project: "Vorba volant, scripta manent!". By doing so, the chances of the result (the photos) being what you want are maximised.

general, clinical presentation photos on website and social media

A picture is worth 1000 words! If we understand this correctly, then the next step is to add to the list of frames for the photo shoot, frames that give a visual overview of the dental surgery/dental clinic. These presentation photos should show patients in a wide shot the clinic reception or the largest and best equipped office in the clinic. The presentation frames should not only show equipment and walls, but it is mandatory to be animated by doctors, nurses and patients. Ideally, these frames should capture the overall dynamics of your clinic and also capture the warm, friendly, welcoming atmosphere... the vibe of your clinic.

team presentation photos: doctors, nurses, administrative staff

Before potential patients meet you in person, give them a chance to get to know you virtually. Take advantage of the online (internet) environment and expose yourself as much as you are comfortable with. Patients like to see in advance the faces of the people they will be talking to when they come in for an appointment. For your team's presentation, it is important to have several types of photos, which we, your promotion agency, will use as needed to present your team on the website, social media (Facebook, Instagram, Tik-Tok), Google Business Profile (GBP) or any other promotion channel that supports visuals. What types of shots should we take? Individual frames for each team member, collective frames showing for example all doctors, all nurses, dedicated teams for each dental speciality, specialist doctor + nurse, etc.

images for social media promotion

This is where creativity needs to be sharpened to the max. These frames are very important to attract the attention of potential patients through visuals used in SMM (Social Media Marketing: Instagram ,Facebook, Tik-Tok, Google Business Profile). Yes, it is absolutely imperative to generate a large volume of photos to promote the clinic's dental services in social media. Using our own original content in social media, increases the engagement (interaction) of potential patients with social media posts and campaigns by over 500%. In other words, if we don't have our own photos and use "stock" images the effectiveness of the media plan decreases considerably. Patients don't interact as well with stock photo content. Attention, attention, attention... photo content for SMM needs to be original, involve the medical and administrative team, attract attention, follow best practices in dental photography. When photo frames do not perform well enough they do not attract the attention of patients. If they don't attract attention, they won't dwell on the campaign or post we're promoting and so the chances of conversion decrease considerably.

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poze promovare clinica stomatologie, foto clinica dentara
poze promovare clinica stomatologie, foto clinica dentara
poze promovare clinica stomatologie, foto clinica dentara
poze promovare clinica stomatologie, foto clinica dentara

what steps should I take for
o ședință foto eficinetă

At Dental Marketing we have developed a procedure that can help ensure a successful photo shoot for your dental practice. Our recipe consists of a few guidelines you can keep in mind when implementing such a project. If you need more than that from us, contact us to organise a photo shoot for you. Our partner photographers offer experience in dedicated photography for dentistry and including dental photography.

However, if you decide you don't need outsourced services for this project and want to manage the shoot in-house, see our procedural guide below:

  •  Write down your photo needs on a list: what photos do you need and exactly for what? (eg: photos for website, photos for promotion of doctors/team, photos for promotion on Instagram, Facebook, portfolio photos of patients before - after, befre - after, etc.).
  • draw up a written list listing the frames needed, according to the needs on the first list (including estimated number of frames)
  • look for a photographer or photo agency with experience in photography to promote dental clinics online
  • present a list of the necessary frames to the photographer or agency so that they understand the project as well as possible
  • alegeți împreună cu fotograful o zi (dată / oră) dedicată pentru ședința foto. Este important ca pe parcursul ședinței foto, să nu se lucreze în clinică
  • încheiați un contract în care să se prevadă cât mai clar cadrele necesare, numărul de cadre (prelucrate), prelucrări foto speciale, data ședinței foto și deadline-ul până la care trebuie să se predea fotografiile prelucrare în formă finală
  • pregătirea ședinței foto: în ziua ședinței foto, nu se lucrează în clinică, clinica trebuie să fie curată și pregătită pentru ședință cu o zi înainte, toată echipa de medici, asistente și personal auxiliar să fie prezentă, toată echipa să poarte uniformele clinicii – curate și aranjate, toată echipa să fie aranjată și disponibilă pentru întreaga ședință foto
  • demo patient employees for photo shoot. Select from the clinic's portfolio, patients with the most aesthetic dentition. Patients should be male and female, children with and without braces and with broad smiles displayed on their faces. Obviously they must present work of interest to the target audience
  • arrange a few coffee breaks and a snack for the whole team attending the photo shoot
  • designate one or two team members to provide support and help to the photo team when needed
  • make sure the whole team is in a good mood during the photo shoot!

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Dental Marketing

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