Dental Education by Dental Marketing online courses

marketing for dentists
dentistry advertising

Dental Education by Dental Marketing online courses

- marketing for dentists
- dentistry advertising

curs marketing stomatologie - Alexandru Pop @ Dental Education by Dental Marketing

Este pentru tine acest curs?
Vezi prezentarea.

Programează un meeting 1 : 1
complet gratuit

    Managerului de clinică,
    beneficiar al programului

    Îți mulțumim pentru interesul manifestat față de acest program educațional, dedicat ție, celui care conștientizează importanța activității de promovare, celui care înțelege că are nevoie de expertiză pentru a gestiona eficient acestă activitate într-o clinică de medicină dentară.

    Cu cât competiția este mai matură într-o piață, cu atât mai mult avem nevoie de promovare. În medicină dentară vom avea nevoie de expunere, notorietate și în permanență pacienți noi.

    Cum putem obține rezultate, dacă nu deținem know-how?  Cum monitorizăm acțiunile de marketing, dacă nu înțelegem logica? Cum alegem intrumentele de promovare dacă nu știm care dintre acestea funcționează în acest domeniu? Cum vom ști ce să solicităm agenției?

    Noi îți oferim o soluție viabilă: programul educațional Dental Education MK.1 – un curs online prin care livrăm o rețetă proprie, testată mulți ani pe piața din România de către Dental Marketing în cadrul parteneriatelor cu peste 300 de clinici stomatologice.

    În încheiere, te voi ruga să nu achiziționezi cursul / programul Dental Education MK.1, până când nu vei fi convins 100% că această decizie te va ajuta să obții ceea ce îți dorești pentru clinica ta. Ca să ne dăm seama dacă acest program este potrivit pentru tine, noi îți oferim un meeting 1:1 complet gratuit cu un coleg din echipa noastră.

    Completează formularul de mai sus și discută cu noi înainte de a achiziționa acces în program (curs online / webinar de tip video podcast). Astfel ne vom da seama cu siguranță dacă cursul nostru te poate ajuta să rezolvi problemele în materie de promovare și să duci business-ul tău la nivelul pe care ți-l dorești.

    Alexandru POP, MB, PMP
    medical marketing evangelist & lector
    Canal YouTube Dental Education MK.1

    Alexandru Pop, medical marketing evangelist @ Dental Marketing
    Alexandru Pop, medical marketing evangelist @ Dental Marketing

    – medical marketing evangelist: Dental Marketing
    – medical marketing evangelist: Medica Marketing
    – consultant strategie: Derma Marketing
    – project manager: Smartifact
    – director marketing: DAF România
    – director marketing: Mercedes-Benz, ATP
    – șef serviciu marketing: EnergoBit Group
    – lector @ Dental Education.

    Ce vei învăța în cadrul cursului online?
    obiective webinar

    management promotion activities
    How do I manage the marketing / promotion activity as a dental clinic manager?

    objectives and promotion plan dental clinic
    How do we develop a plan? How do we set promotion goals? What methods do we use? "Never without a plan!"

    promotional tools and channels
    What marketing tools and promotion channels work in dentistry?
    implementation & marketing partnerships
    How do we choose the agency we implement with? What should we consider? Does niche experience matter?

    performance measurement, reporting and ROI
    How do we monitor the performance of the promotion activity? KPIs and reporting.
    streamlining performance & meeting targets
    How do we use performance reporting data for business optimization? Achieving targets.

    trainers / speakers

    Alexandru Pop - dental marketing evangelist, project manager, founder
    founder Dental MarketingAlexandru Pop, MB, PMP
    digital dental marketing (DDM)
    – dental marketing evangelist
    – strategic planning constultant
    – SEO specialist
    – SW project manager
    – content creator

    dr Romana Cretu - medical consultant
    founder Bonjour Dentaldr Romana Crețu
    dentistry meeting COVID-19
    – dentist, competence in dental aesthetics
    – national lecturer
    – trainer
    dr Bogdan Culic @ Smart Dental clinic Cluj-Napoca
    founder Smart Dentaldr Bogdan Culic
    design & build a dental clinic
    – dentist, oral surgery specialist
    – university lecturer
    – doctor of medical sciences
    – ESCD Certificate member
    Catalin Dimir, founder Dinstitute
    founder D`Institutedr Cătălin Dimir
    all about emotional dentistry
    – dentist, competence in dental aesthetics
    – dental medicine influencer
    – digital dentistry evangelist
    – founder & promotor Dentistry 2.0

    Andra Hanta, co-founder omniVISION
    co-founder omniVISIONAndra Hanță
    dental clinics virtualization
    – content manager
    – trainer
    – business consultant
    Ramona Luncasu - content writing wizard
    founder No Pressure AdvRamona Luncașu
    about content marketing
    – content creator
    – events manager
    – marketing strategist
    – social media specialist
    Vasile Gherghel - web development wizard
    founder Super DevsVasile Gherghel
    about dental CRM software
    – team lead
    – UI/UX senior developer
    – full stack senior programmer
    – web development trainer
    marketing clinică
    Derma Marketing partener Dental Marketing
    Dental 3D Tour, marketing clinică, promovare stomatologie
    marketing stomatologie, promovare stomatologie, marketing clinica dentara
    marketing clinică
    Derma Marketing partener Dental Marketing
    Dental 3D Tour, marketing clinică, promovare stomatologie
    marketing stomatologie, promovare stomatologie, marketing clinica dentara
    marketing stomatologie, promovare stomatologie, marketing clinica dentara
    marketing stomatologie, promovare stomatologie, marketing clinica dentara
    strategii promovare pentru dentisti
    omniVISION partener Dental Marketing
    marketing stomatologie, promovare stomatologie, marketing clinica dentara
    marketing stomatologie, promovare stomatologie, marketing clinica dentara
    strategii promovare pentru dentisti
    omniVISION partener Dental Marketing
    marketing clinică dentara, promovare stomatologie, marketing stomatologie,

    marketing strategy

    marketing strategies for dental medicine, project management, implementation, monitoring

    web development

    we build websites, web-based software and native / cross-platform mobile applications

    social media (SMM)

    viral advertising on social media channels: Facebook, Instagram, Google, Youtube

    dental SEO / SEM

    go up in Google: SEM (Search Engine Marketing) and SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

    dental branding

    branding & rebranding projects for the field of dental medicine: logo + corporate identity

    dental newsletter app.

    dedicated email marketing software, a tool for dental medicine e-shops

    photo & video content

    conținut de marketing, pentru web sau social media: foto & video, copyright, text PR

    dental fitout

    fitout for dental clinics through our partner Hansen Ergonomics Studio

    keep in touch

      Dental Marketing logo
      Dental Marketing logo

      If you want to keep up to date with the latest news in the field of dental marketing, register your e-mail address by subscribing to the newsletter. Keep the concept of Digital Dental Marketing close to you.

      dental digital marketing®

      We play the digital dental marketing concept for abstracting a set of digital marketing tools dedicated to the field of dental medicine. We believe in this concept. We are innovating on this niche.


      If you want to be up to date with the news in the field of dental marketing, enter your e-mail address in our database by subscribing to the newsletter. Keep the concept of Digiral Dental Marketing close to you.

      dental digital marketing ®

      We play the digital dental marketing concept for abstracting a set of digital marketing tools dedicated to the field of dental medicine. We believe in this concept. We are innovating on this niche.

      Copyright by Smartifact. All rights reserved. ANPC
